Thursday, August 16, 2012

Entertainment & World News Remembers Whitney Elizabeth Houston

                           R.I.P. Whitney Elizabeth Houston

Whitney Houston's final film, "Sparkle"opens tomorrow.In light of this, it is appropriate to pay tribute to our departed angel. 
Whitney Elizabeth  Houston passed away February 11, 2012 just before she was to appear for the Grammy Awards. It has been over 6 months since she has been gone and I am still very emotional about her loss. 
Whitney was more than just an artist. She was more than just an actress. She was a mother and she was larger than life itself. Whitney got her start singing in her church and her rise to fame really took off after the blockbuster hit movie & soundtrack "The Bodyguard" which became the number one selling soundtrack of all time.When Whitney recorded her haunting rendition of "I Will Always Love You" it arguably became her most well known and beloved hit. 
Growing up, I would listen to her on the radio at my grandparents with my siblings & for a moment we all agreed on something- we loved Whitney. When the Bodyguard came out in 1992, it left me with great memories of sitting in our family room as my sisters & I watched the movie over and over. I am sure many of you out there can relate.
Whitney left us with great memories and music to remember her by. She was not a perfect person-but nobody is. She was human. Whitney will forever be remembered as one of  the greatest female vocalists of my generation and I thank God we had her. To all of her fans, friends and family who are also mourning her loss-let us not be sad that its over, but be glad that she touched our lives while she was here.
                                            Whitney, we love you. We will always love you.

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