Monday, August 13, 2012

Welcome to My First Official Blog!

Hello and welcome to Entertainment and World News, this is my first official blog! In today's blog cast we have a some things that will make you laugh, will make you cry, and even make you go hmm...

First and foremost I would like to update everyone on how Robin Roberts is doing, directly taken from the Good Morning America Facebook page. For those who do not know, Robin Roberts was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder and will undergo a bone marrow transfusion this fall:

Robin is looking forward to being back with GMA gang on August 20th! (And we can't wait to see her!)

In the meantime, we wanted to share an update from Robin:

Received a really good report from my doctor today. All my blood counts are up! The pre-treatment is doing its job and resting as I have lately has helped too. I've been given medical clearance to fly to Tuscany for a friend's 50t

h birthday celebration.When I return the following week I will have another bone marrow test to finally determine the timing of my transplant. Still slated for the end of the month or early September. That's when my lengthy medical leave will begin.
But all I'm thinking about now is Italy. As a going away present my doctor surprised me and removed my PICC line today from my arm...sweet freedom!
Thank you again for the prayers and well wishes...means more to me than you could possibly ever know.
Ciao! XO

As a news personality and also as a great lady, Robin has inspired so many of us with her strength and grace. Wishing Robin a full and restful recovery and a fantastic time in Italy!

In other pop news, Jennifer Aniston is now engaged! America's sweetheart got engaged to boyfriend Justin Theroux. And I say good for her! Now maybe people will stop referencing her with Brad and Angelina home wrecker. Seriously not a fan of anyone who messes with someone else's man-Jenn, you deserve nothing but the best! Angelina-go flash your leg to people who actually care-p.s. nice try imitating a 1990's cartoon character (aka Jessica Rabbit) p.s.s. SHES A CARTOON.

Burning up the Twitterverse was also news that "broke" about Miley Cyrus getting...*GASP* a hair cut!! All right..seriously, besides a few upset 12 year olds...WHO CARES?? Now there is an election coming up this fall, we are in a recession, people are struggling just to afford the basics...and THIS is news? Um. No. #MediaFail BTW, I think its actually a great new look and I also believe celebrities should be able to enjoy their life with respect to their lifestyles, choices, and personal business. If they choose to release information about themselves to the media, this is one thing. The trashy paparazzi that follow them around and shoot their every move and claim it to be newsworthy-not so much. There is a fine line folks.

And last but not least, this is the part of my blog where I recommend something funny, inspiring, or creative.
Today's recommendations will not disappoint.
For all of us who enjoy garage sales/flea markets and second hand chic, I highly recommend Lara Spencer's book "I Brake For Yardsales". Perfect for anyone who has champagne dreams on a shoe string budget! It is a fun, entertaining and light hearted read! 

And my final recommendation for this blog, is a seriously funny first hand account by Freeman Hall called "Retail Hell". It is about what it's like working in retail. For any of us who have had some kind of job working with the public, this is a hilarious and very realistic book! It is among my top five favorite reads! AND this October Freeman has announced a SECOND book, "Return To the Big Fancy" ! I cannot tell you all how excited I am about this new book!


  1. Loving your first blog post! It's sensible & funny! Thanks for clarifying the Jessica Rabbit pose. I never realized that. Lol:) that's hilarious!


  2. Thank's Rebecca :)I appreciate the compliments!!
