Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Letter From Your Dog

                    A Beloved Friend By:Jamie

I am your dog.I was sent by God into your life, because He knew that you needed a friend. My life is very short compared to yours, because my soul purpose is to teach-yours is to learn and grow from knowing me. I will teach you how to love, how to laugh from your belly, how to be patient and how to say good bye one day when my time here is complete. I will greet you with kisses, and keep you warm when it's cold. I will be there to wash your tears away and listen to anything you say. I will show you how to live one day at a time and find joy in the little things (like rolling in the grass or splashing in a pond!). I will be your clown, your confidant, your shadow, and I will never let you feel alone. Not never ever. All I ask is that you love me too. Please don't tie me outside and forget about me-I was meant to be with you. Please don't dump me in a kennel or abuse me-I may not understand what I did wrong. Just love me. I promise to be a good friend. I promise to love you always-even when you get mad. I promise to be the highlight of your day, and if you let me-I promise to stay in your heart forever. 

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